As Christians, our lives should depend on God’s Word because it is the final authority. One word may speak today and another may speak tomorrow, but God sends each of them straight into our lives. It takes the spiritually minded to focus on God’s Word in the midst of life’s calamities. We often act more like God’s enemies than His friends when we cannot see beyond our immediate situation. As Christians, even when we don’t see immediate results for our prayers, we must remain assured of God’s ultimate promise.

Abraham had genuine faith. Genuine faith finds encouragement in that which is discouraging. God’s Word is real, authentic and forceful; it searches us and finds us. When you take God’s Word to heart and truly make it a part of you, it will, by its very nature, change you. Once you doubt your Guard, your zeal to pray, your dependence upon God and your communion with Him will reduce. Remember that when you run out of rope, it is time to grab at faith. And the work of faith is not a risk but a sure and practical act. We must walk through our fears and discouragements by looking at them as life lessons. When discouragement comes, don’t stop; just dig deep and fight it through. When fear hits, speed up the attack. When your battle is getting tougher, you are getting closer to your breakthrough — and your solution is just a moment away.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to know You the more and to know Your will for me. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray! Amen!