The extraordinary testimony of a man who found life in Christ while facing life imprisonment...

Coming back from sick leave to suddenly find himself arrested and sentenced to death by hanging, John Okoh could not believe the blow that life had dealt him. The charge for ‘collaborating with armed robbers’ was later set at life imprisonment and he began serving time in a lonely cell in State Prison. Twenty-two years into his life sentence, he was transferred to another prison where he saw Emmanuel TV for the first time.

Prophet T.B. Joshua was delivering a prophecy on the screen that day and it went straight to his heart, “Someone is about to be set loose from prison!” To his amazement, two weeks later, news came from the office of the Governor that he was to be released! Don’t miss this ‘must watch’ footage from The SCOAN Archives March, 2011 as the man freed after 22 years rushes to The SCOAN to share his incredible testimony!

"Just as Paul and Silas were released from prison, BE RELEASED - in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!" - TB Joshua

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