Can WATER Anointed By God Cure HIV/AIDS?!?
When Mr Kivon Mariera tested positive to HIV/AIDs in his nation of Kenya, he felt all hope was lost. Apart from the emotional toll, the incurable disease left his system weakened and frail. Being an avid viewer of T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV, Kivon stubbornly decided to hold onto his faith. When a close friend […]
Born into a notorious home of witchdoctors and wizardry, Mibon Annette was taught to deceive and destroy. She acquired various ‘powers’ to fulfil her dark aims, the crux being a set of demonic beads passed down by her grandmother. It was only at The SCOAN after a prophecy from T.B. Joshua that the powers behind […]
SHOCKING: A Testimony That Will Make You CRY!!!
What you are about to watch is shocking to say the least – the height of human suffering mingled with the heart of human compassion. An elderly man was abandoned in a village, left to fend for himself in the dark. The bed where he laid became his toilet, sores filling his entire body due […]
How To OVERCOME Challenges | TB Joshua
Learn how to stay true to your purpose in life despite the challenges that will certainly arise in the course of your faith journey in this simple message with T.B. Joshua titled, ‘BE DETERMINED, AS A CHRISTIAN.’ “Your challenges are to prepare you for extraordinary service.” – TB Joshua
Demon CHALLENGES T.B. Joshua To A FIGHT!!!
As T.B. Joshua is ministering to The SCOAN congregation, an evil spirit within a lady is provoked as she wildly rises up and challenges him to a fight. Witness how the power of God disgraces darkness and she is completely delivered, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Watch how God intervenes in a complex, complicated marital issue where lack of affection has led to talk of divorce. A word of prophecy from T.B. Joshua reveals a beautiful lady in The SCOAN congregation who married at a young age to a much older man. After deliverance, their home is settled and affection Divinely […]
As a young, carefree man, Alfred’s search for wealth led him to an occult society in Mozambique. There was only one condition attached – that his daughter be used as a ritual sacrifice in exchange for money. The South African agreed, not knowing that the beautiful daughter he would give birth to several years later […]
In an undeniable demonstration of God’s mighty power, prayer uttered in the power of the Holy Spirit brings instant results throughout The SCOAN auditorium. Healing and deliverance flow freely as T.B. Joshua prays, culminating in a lady who had the problem of multiple fibroids receiving healing as the growths within her miraculously burst! Get ready […]
TB Joshua’s Hidden Secrets EXPOSED!!!
Is T.B. Joshua fake? Why is he so controversial? What is the source of his alleged power? Is he a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Who is his pastor or mentor? Questions abound… This video will help answer your questions! In a message titled, ‘REASONS TO PRAISE GOD’, T.B. Joshua shares some of his raw life […]
Think Demons Are Fake? WATCH THIS!!!
Mohammed thought the deliverance and demonic exposure happening at The SCOAN with T.B. Joshua was fake and scripted – until it happened to him!!! The devilish spirit of a 90 year old woman living within him was dramatically exposed during a time of mass prayer and the anointing he thought was fake knocked him off […]
An astounding prophecy from T.B. Joshua leads to an essential teaching for all married couples, as well as singles looking to get married. Be inspired in your faith as you witness God’s power and wisdom in action and rejoice to see the transformation in the lives of this Ghanaian couple.
Demonic Activity EXPOSED!!!
As T.B. Joshua offers a simple prayer, the power of God radiates throughout the auditorium at The SCOAN, exposing evil and restoring people under satan oppression. Don’t just be a spectator; be a participator! Join in this prayer right now and free yourself from every bondage and demonic activity in your life, in Jesus’ name! […]
SHOCKER: Pastor ATTACKED By Demon!!!
A prophetic message from T.B. Joshua reveals how a pastor was attacked spiritually after praying for a lady in his church. After delivering the pastor in Jesus’ name, T.B. Joshua explains the importance of staying within your calling as a minister of God, especially when it comes to such sensitive things as deliverance.
In this fiery, anointed time of prayer with T.B. Joshua, the Holy Spirit visibly descends throughout The SCOAN arena to bring deliverance and freedom to the lives of the thousands in attendance. Brace yourself to witness the real, raw power of God and open the door of your heart to receive your own touch from […]
“The Garment I Wear To DESTROY…” – SECRET CULT Member
Edo Edobok had in his possession a strange item of clothing which contained demonic powers, given to him by a ’secret cult’. Even though he had hidden it outside of the church premises on his visit to The SCOAN, a word of prophecy from T.B. Joshua exposed the devilish nature behind the item and Edo […]
Why DEMONS Hate T.B. Joshua!!!
Multiple demons throughout the church are exposed during a powerful time of prayer with T.B. Joshua. This happens week-in week-out at The SCOAN as the darkness lurking within people is forced to leave when God’s light shines on their lives. See why the demons vent so much hatred towards T.B. Joshua as God uses him […]
TB Joshua’s SHOCKING END-TIME Prophecy!!!
In December 2012, T.B. Joshua wrote and directed a prophetic drama with a poignant message about the end-times and the worrisome state of the world. Nearly three years down the line, the message rings ever clear and world events reiterate the startling truth in his world prophecy. What kind of seed are you planting??? Please […]
“HELP! My Friend Stole My MANHOOD!!!”
Two friends with a complicated case come to The SCOAN, seeking the face of God. A business partner had accused his colleague of ‘stealing’ his private parts by means of an occult charm placed in his house. In the presence of God, T.B. Joshua reveals the truth about the startling accusation!
From RAGS To RICHES | MUST-SEE Testimony!!!
Effiong Edet Effiong from Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria, came to The SCOAN penniless and hopeless. A commercial motorcyclist who barely had finances to pay for his family upkeep, the transformation in his life after receiving Anointing Water from T.B. Joshua is nothing short of remarkable! Be inspired in your faith by his joyful testimony!
T.B. Joshua Teaching On ‘FAITH BRACELET’!!!
An inspiring time of teaching with T.B. Joshua on how to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Learn to engage your heart constantly in God’s Word as T.B. Joshua gives further explanation about the ‘Faith Bracelet’ – something on the outside to constantly remind you of your relationship and fellowship with God. We pray […]