When Vivian walked down the streets, heads turned and eyes rolled. Why? A dark, demonic force fuelling lust and stirring seduction. Each attempt to earn a living reputably failed miserably as the young Nigerian repeatedly found herself returning to the illicit trade of sleeping with ‘big men’ to cater for herself. Here is the story […]
“I SOLD MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL!!!” | Startling Confession!
What you are about to watch may SHOCK you to the core. It is a brutal confession of human wickedness to an almost nauseating degree, shedding light on the despicable, devilish trade of human trafficking, as well as the demonic dimensions involved in illicit drug deals. Our aim of bringing this to your attention is […]
Can You GENUINELY Accept Jesus Without DELIVERANCE???
Many desire to follow Jesus today but they are still held in bondage by their past… Mr Joseph Imarhiagbe’s past life continued to haunt him. The influence of bad friends led to his engagement in internet scamming – eventually resulting in his being deported from the United Kingdom. Back in Nigeria, he resolved to change […]
This Video Will TOUCH Your Heart!!!
There is NO ONE God has created without a gift… and each gift is meant to meet a need! In the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that struck the nation of Mexico in September 2017, the Emmanuel TV Team swung into action to aid victims of the natural disaster. Be inspired as you watch the […]
On Sunday 31st August 2014, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a prophecy concerning military intervention in a Southern African country. “They are still on in that plan to kidnap either the President or Vice President of that nation or the First Lady of that nation.” We pray for God’s peace in the nation of Zimbabwe in […]
Have you ever seen TB Joshua speak in tongues? It’s POWERFUL! These are not mere meaningless words but Heavenly language backed by Divine authority and accompanied by miraculous result. Get connected to this anointing and get ready to share your incredible testimony! “Right now, release yourself from the cage of affliction, setback, limitation and disappointment, […]
INCREDIBLE: Beautiful Biological Sisters Meet For FIRST TIME!!!
No description can adequately convey the intricate depths of the tangled web about to unwoven as you watch this clip… It may rank as one of the most complex, complicated family issues ever to come to light on YouTube – and that’s NOT an exaggeration. We hope you take time to watch the entirety of […]
Roberta’s torment was unseen. A battle in her mind. A war in her heart. She knew it was wrong but the force of flirtation was simply too strong. Guilt and condemnation soon added their voices to the internal mess. How could she continue in this way? How could she balance this psychological torture with the […]
SHOCKING: Beautiful Socialite Reduced To ‘Sex Addict’!!!
Seven children, six men, countless abortions… The mental state of Georgiana had degraded to such a level that she was a perfect candidate for use and abuse by selfish men. And abuse her they did. The streets of London became her home and its psychiatric hospitals her customary abode. Government officials were confused at her […]
For all those considering suicide or suffering under the weight of depression, this video is for you! There was nothing Evelyn had not done to try and end her life. A cold, sinister voice kept whispering the lie that her life was worthless. That no one loved her. That no one cared. The lie was […]
Can you watch this emotional life-experience without being moved? Please endeavor to watch until the end – for the sad story does have a happy ending!!! In a cruel twist of fate, a specialist in producing prosthetic limbs lost his own leg in a gruesome accident. Forced to flee his hometown to fend for his […]
How To PREPARE For PRAYER! | TB Joshua
What should you do before prayer? Before beginning to pray, there are some FUNDAMENTAL steps that need to be taken. Learn these vital truths and then join Prophet T.B. Joshua in a Spirit-filled time of prayer that will surely touch your life in a special way! “If you don’t let yesterday go, you can’t enjoy […]
GIVE THE DEVIL A RED CARD!!! | TB Joshua Prayer For Viewers
Are you facing any form of demonic oppression? Join Prophet T.B. Joshua in this anointed time of prayer and receive the freedom that will make you forget the pain of the past, in Jesus’ name! “Confess God’s Word over your situation: Let the weak say, ‘I am strong!’ Let the poor say, ‘I am blessed!’ […]
It was the strangest of sights to behold – an elderly, well-educated man confessing his involvement in the wicked acts of fraud, popularly known in Nigeria as ‘419’. At 62 years old, Mr Ededet Williams was supposed to be enjoying the fruits of his labours. However, the retired teacher was reaping the seeds he had […]
His BEST FRIEND Thought He Was DEAD… And Married His WIFE!!!????
THIS. IS. NOT. A. MOVIE. SCRIPT… As Harrison languished in an underground Libyan dungeon, little did he know his best friend had got married to his wife and his only son had died! The harrowing life-experience of this young Nigerian cannot be adequately put into words. We encourage you to watch his full story – […]
TB JOSHUA WARNS DEMONS!!! | Prayer For Viewers
Join Prophet T.B. Joshua in this anointed time of prayer and let the light of God shine in every department of your life troubled by darkness! “You demon – I command you to remove your hands! I warn you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Never you again attack my people!” – T.B. Joshua
What on earth could soften a heart so hardened? Too often had the dark anger reached a boiling point. Too often had the drunken rage run rampant. Too often had the drug-induced violence overtaken reason. Too often… For twenty-two years, Andries was in captivity to a life of alcoholism, drug addiction and lust. “I never […]
In a generation where divorce and separation are becoming increasingly more rampant, the question beckons – why??? This video will provide a poignant clue to the spiritual causes of marital breakdowns… The aggression and depression were just too much. A home that should be filled with peace and love became a melting pot of strife […]
I COMMAND RESTORATION! Mass Prayer With TB Joshua!!!
Join Prophet T.B. Joshua in this Holy Spirit fuelled session of mass prayer and receive Divine restoration in all areas of your life, in Jesus’ name!
Can Skeptics Explain THIS MIRACLE???
Inexplicable but real… Incomprehensible but true… It defies logic and confounds science but this is undeniably GOD at work! Geoffrey was diagnosed with a deadly, incurable disease – HIV/AIDS. Desperation prompted the Kenyan visit to a renowned Church in Nigeria. Given a small bottle of water, he returned home and later retook the SAME test […]