Satan’s Tactics EXPOSED!!!

How does satan and his agents operate in our generation today? The cunning, wily tactics of the devil are radically EXPOSED in this inspiring sermon with T.B. Joshua. Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of hurt, resentment and bitterness? Are you held hostage by unforgiveness and offence? Learn how to guard yourself against […]

Having challenges with relationships? Learn how our RELATIONSHIP begins with GOD and overflows to PEOPLE in this edifying sermon by T.B. Joshua.

“When one is thinking, worried and troubled, your spirit cannot be free to attract the Spirit of God”. Let your faith be lifted up as you listen to this inspiring sermon by TB Joshua, titled, “THE BURDEN IN OUR SPIRIT”.
THE HIDDEN TRUTH | T.B. Joshua Sermon

This edifying sermon from T.B. Joshua will surely open your spiritual eyes to see the HIDDEN TRUTH behind your situation! “The majority of us are spiritually blind, spiritually dull – dull in comprehension – the unseen realm absolutely closed to our spiritual vision. We only see the outward effects of the devil but we are […]

“You can master and quote the chapters and verses of the Bible for years, listen to thousands of sermons, read many Christian books but still wear spiritual diapers.” Listen as T.B. Joshua details the fundamental points of living a life through the spirit and not the flesh.

Be inspired by this revolutionary revelation from T.B. Joshua which he received from God after a period of nearly one year in prayer and fasting away from the pulpit. It’s a fundamental message which deals with the intricate tricks and ploys of satan used to entrap God’s children, focusing mainly on the dangers of taking […]

It’s been nearly a year in coming but T.B.Joshua is finally back on Emmanuel TV! Be inspired as you listen to this short message on the dangers of holding offence and prepare your heart for the New Year 2016 with prayer! “When you retain an offence in your heart, you filter everything through it.” – […]
The POWER Of Change!!! | TB Joshua

Faith is the transformative POWER of the universe! Be uplifted and inspired in your faith as you listen to this short, stirring teaching with TB Joshua titled, ‘The Power Of Change’.
How To Find PEACE Of Mind | TB Joshua

Are you stressed out easily by the challenges of daily life? Is your heart always restless and worried? This message is for you! Learn how to let your hearts be at rest in this short message with T.B. Joshua titled, ‘ONLY BELIEVE’. Be blessed as you open the door of your heart to God’s Word, […]
How To OVERCOME Challenges | TB Joshua

Learn how to stay true to your purpose in life despite the challenges that will certainly arise in the course of your faith journey in this simple message with T.B. Joshua titled, ‘BE DETERMINED, AS A CHRISTIAN.’ “Your challenges are to prepare you for extraordinary service.” – TB Joshua
TB Joshua’s Hidden Secrets EXPOSED!!!

Is T.B. Joshua fake? Why is he so controversial? What is the source of his alleged power? Is he a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Who is his pastor or mentor? Questions abound… This video will help answer your questions! In a message titled, ‘REASONS TO PRAISE GOD’, T.B. Joshua shares some of his raw life […]
T.B. Joshua Teaching On ‘FAITH BRACELET’!!!

An inspiring time of teaching with T.B. Joshua on how to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Learn to engage your heart constantly in God’s Word as T.B. Joshua gives further explanation about the ‘Faith Bracelet’ – something on the outside to constantly remind you of your relationship and fellowship with God. We pray […]
SIN’S POWER OVER ME IS BROKEN!!! | Anointed Song (Composed By TB Joshua)

People around the world have received healing, deliverance and a precious touch from the Holy Spirit while worshiping with this anointed song, ‘Sin’s Power Over Me Is Broken’ – composed by Prophet T.B. Joshua! Join the Emmanuel TV Choir praising God with this Heavenly chorus in three languages – English, Spanish and French! ENGLISH Sin’s […]
How To RECEIVE The Holy Spirit | TB Joshua

T.B. Joshua delivers a message dealing with the central truths of Christianity in a Pastors and Leaders Conference held at the World Trade Center in Mexico City. As you listen to this message, titled, ‘Christianity Is NOT A Religion’, get ready to be equipped spiritually and learn the difference between serving God conventionally and worshipping […]

If you are frustrated in your prayers, this is the message for you! A practical, life-changing sermon with T.B. Joshua titled, ‘HINDRANCE TO PRAYER’ which deals with the very root of the barriers we often place between ourselves and God.
How To Handle HARD TIMES | TB Joshua

Be blessed and learn how to keep your focus in the midst of life’s challenges and trials in this powerful message with T.B. Joshua, titled, ‘A Visit To Abraham’.
The MOST IMPORTANT Message You May Ever Hear!!!

During the second day of the Mexico Crusade, T.B. Joshua delivers a message central to Christianity filled with fundamental truths and challenging words. Be blessed, motivated and inspired as you listen to this important message, simply titled, ‘I LOVE YOU’.
TB Joshua REVEALS The Secrets Of Faith!

In this inspiring sermon drawn from the Biblical encounter between the Canaanite woman and Jesus Christ, TB Joshua reveals the secrets of faith in an illuminating manner that is sure to both challenge and change you! Get ready to be lifted up in your faith as you pay attention in Jesus’ name!
HOW To Get FAITH | TB Joshua

It’s a common question today – how do I get faith? How can I grow in my faith? What is the proof of my faith? Get the answers to these essential questions in this practical message with TB Joshua where he reveals ‘The Secrets Of Faith’! Be motivated to grow in your walk with the […]
The FUTILITY Of Self-Effort | TB Joshua

Many today have strived to stop their bad habits yet still seem enslaved by the desire to return to them. Learn how to permanently stop the character issues that are threatening your relationship with God – both externally and internally – in this enlightening message from TB Joshua titled, ‘The Futility Of Self Effort’.