If you desire greater intimacy with God and greater clarity in your spiritual life, this video is for you! Brace yourself for a mind-blowing cacophony of incredible truths bundled into a single sermon. It’s practically impossible for a mere description to accurately portray the revelations contained within this message. We just have one piece of […]
How To Effectively MEDITATE! | TB Joshua SERMON

A deeply misunderstood subject needs a deeply insightful sermon! T.B. Joshua tackles numerous issues in this impromptu message, including the dangers of imitation, the power of meditation before prayer and the importance of unity If you are interested in growing spiritually and eager to delve deeper in faith, this sermon ‘BE AN IMITATOR OF GOD’ […]
Identifying A REAL Christian!!! | TB Joshua SERMON

If you have ever had doubts about the genuineness of your Christian life or wanted to know more about what it takes to be a real believer – one who not just talks the talk but walks the walk – THIS is the message for you! Get ready to witness a fundamental question coupled with […]

“If you hold offence in your heart, don’t be surprised that your prayer will not be accepted.” – TB Joshua If you desire to be effective in your prayer life, make sure you listen to this inspired message with TB Joshua during the second day of the Korea Crusade in 2016! Join the thousands who […]
God Cannot Use a Discouraged Servant | FASCINATING SERMON By Prophet T.B. Joshua
Many today become discouraged when their faith is challenged. Little do they know, that test was meant for their spiritual promotion. If you are someone who has desired to reach new heights in your relationship with God but seem to remain in stagnation then listen to this important message from Prophet T.B. Joshua titled, “God […]
Discover the SECRET Of Bringing JESUS ON THE SCENE!
Have you felt the power of God has not been moving in your life? Discover the SECRET of bringing Jesus on the scene and listen to this inspiring message from Prophet T.B. Joshua titled, “Acting On The Word”. “Acting on the Word is letting Jesus Christ act through you. Acting on the Word then brings […]
Why Do Christians Not Feel God’s Presence? | TB JOSHUA

Do you want to really EXPERIENCE God’s presence? What are the barriers or hindrances? This sermon will answer your questions! Learn the power of forgiveness and a free spirit as you join T.B. Joshua for the message titled, ‘Forgiveness And Unforgiveness’. Prepare to be uplifted and enlightened as you watch with an open heart…
“My Haters Provide FREE ADVERTISING!!!” | TB Joshua

T.B. Joshua has NEVER advertised his sermons or services yet managed to attract worldwide attention. The secret? Persecution! Hundreds of false, malicious stories have been spread both online and through newspapers about the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua – yet it continues to wax stronger and stronger. “Let people advertise you. Don’t fight. If truly […]

“Pastors, what we receive from our members as offering and thanksgiving is killing us… The force behind your action determines where the action comes from… It’s not what you see but the force behind what you see…” A heartfelt message based on practical life-experience from T.B. Joshua deals with the motives behind one’s actions. Be […]
LET GO OF YOUR PAST!!! | TB Joshua Sermon

“Whether you are right or wrong, you have NO RIGHT to hold an offence against your fellow brother.” – T.B. Joshua Open your heart to these edifying Scriptural truths simply spoken by Prophet T.B. Joshua during a Sunday Service at The SCOAN. Learn to ‘Let The Holy Spirit’ remain in you and deal with any […]
Believe In God WITHOUT Struggling! | TB Joshua

“If you struggle to believe Jesus, you will soon leave Jesus…” Are you ready for this revelation? Brace yourself for a blast of practical Christianity in this riveting sermon with T.B. Joshua of The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. Get to the heart of the matter as the deep truths of God’s Word are presented in […]
LET LOVE LEAD! | Touching Sermon From T.B. Joshua

As Prophet T.B. Joshua returns from Jerusalem, Israel, he gives a message to the world that TRANSCENDS all race, culture, religion, ethnic and political backgrounds. A message on love. Open the door of your heart and get ready to receive a message that could CHANGE THE WORLD!
Is Your FAITH Working For You? | T.B. Joshua

Maybe you have been seeing the power, deliverance and all of God’s blessing but have been unable to apply them to yourself or make them manifest in you. Listen to this informative message from Prophet T.B. Joshua titled, “Talk On Faith – Part 3” and understand what you need in order to tap into God’s […]

Are you tired of your life story consisting of defeat and failure? Well, there is an overflow of anointing at The SCOAN to change your story from failure to success. Yes, the anointing is definitely IN THE HOUSE! Now, pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua and use your faith to put a demand on the […]
The Simple SECRET To Defeat The DEVIL!!!

This is SO simple yet incredibly profound! In less than 20 minutes, prepare to learn the key to overcome satan and whatever he throws at you in this life.The answer is not too far from JOY. Therefore, do NOT trade your joy with anything in this world! “When satan wants you to cry and you […]

Hungry for something more lasting in life? Thirsty for truth that really can change you? This revelation is EXACTLY what you need! Prepare to encounter PRACTICAL Christianity in its purest, surest form. If you are tired of merely pretending to be a Christian but living another life behind closed doors, the way out is right […]
This Message Will Genuinely ENCOURAGE YOU!!!

Feeling discouraged or weighed down by your current situation? This message is FOR YOU! In a heart-warming sermon at the 2016 Korea Crusade, T.B. Joshua gives practical, life-changing advice about how to handle the challenges and difficult circumstances of life. The message titled, ‘Situations Strengthen One’s Faith’ will leave you encouraged, inspired and motivated to […]
Important Message For ALL AFRICANS!!! | T.B. Joshua

On Sunday 26th February 2017, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a powerful message for the continent of Africa, especially concerning the youth. Get inspired to be the change you desire to see as you watch, in Jesus’ name.
How To Offer Prayer That WORKS | INCREDIBLE Revelation!!!

In a sermon straight from the heart, T.B. Joshua speaks on the fundamental principles of practical Christianity! The few lines of this description cannot do justice to the incredible revelations found therein. Our only plea is that you take time to watch the ENTIRE message to grasp its full, remarkable meaning and the corresponding changes […]
JUST WATCH IT… This Sermon Will TRANSFORM Your Life!!!

In an impromptu sermon, T.B. Joshua pours out his heart in a message bursting with Heavenly wisdom and practical life-experience. Words fail in adequately depicting the revolutionary contents therein and the depth of its potential impact on your life. All we can say is: JUST WATCH IT and learn to ‘Value Processing More Than Result…’