A Sermon On The Mount – We Are Known By Our Love

Walking in the footprints of Jesus Christ on Mount Precipice in Nazareth, Israel, TB Joshua delivered a moving message that touched the hearts of thousands from around the world who came to attend the spacial meeting. TB Joshua noted in his message titled, “We Are Known By Our Love” that what makes us human is […]

On Wednesday June 12th 2019, T.B. Joshua will turn 56 years old! But how does the celebrant want us to celebrate? Watch on… “If you really love your pastor, you should dedicate June 12th to take your time to meet the sick ones. There are many of your neighbours on the sickbed. When you go […]

Why are my prayers not effective? Does God actually hear my prayers? What must I do to attract God’s attention in my prayers? Find the answers to these crucial questions in this powerful sermon with Prophet T.B. Joshua titled, ‘Fill Your Prayer With Scripture’ – where he reveals the secrets of effective prayer! “Enrich your […]
THE BENEFIT OF FAILURE!!! | Life Changing SERMON | TB Joshua

“Don’t waste your time lamenting on past failure – because no one can live a perfect life without mistakes… All men fall; the great ones get back up.” – T.B. Joshua Learn to fail forward in this practical, life-changing teaching from Prophet T.B. Joshua at The SCOAN – filled with his own life-experience and Biblical […]
END-TIMES MESSAGE!!!⚡????????| Prophet TB Joshua

We are living in the end-times and the manifestation of the spirit of fear is everywhere. So, how do we fight this monster called FEAR? In this sermon from Prophet T.B. Joshua titled, ‘Fear Changes Focus’, learn the secrets to overcome your fears and thus not give place for the devil to strike in your […]
LIBERATE MY SPIRIT!!! | Original Song (Composed By TB Joshua)
Ask the Holy Spirit to make you a channel of His light as you worship God with this simple, beautiful melody titled ‘Liberate My Spirit’ – composed by T.B. Joshua and sung by the Emmanuel TV Choir. LYRICS: Lord make me a channel of light where darkness abounds Holy Spirit Lord make me a channel […]
⚠️WARNING TO THE CHURCH!!! ⚠️| Prophet TB Joshua

TB Joshua sheds LIGHT on an important topic that has been the subject of much confusion in these perilous times – especially in the Church… This sermon, titled ‘The Misinterpretation Of Natural Talents As Spiritual Gifts’, contains a much-needed message – and indeed warning – to people of God. We pray your heart would hearken […]

“To identify and acknowledge your weakness is victory itself. It is 50% of the victory; the remaining 50% – leave it for God!” – T.B. Joshua Satan uses our weakness as a route to snatch the blessings we have received from God. Learn how to block the avenue satan is using to strike your spiritual […]

“Whether you are the one who caused the trouble or you are the one who suffered the effects – we ALL need forgiveness.” – T.B. Joshua Be blessed as you open your heart to watch this sermon from T.B. Joshua titled, ‘Who Needs Forgiveness.’
“I Am What I DO – Not What I SAY!!!” | TB Joshua SERMON

“You are a Christian because of what you DO, not because of what you SAY. Match your actions with your words because knowing facts about Jesus does not change your relationship with Him…” Are you a Christian by confession or action? Learn the secrets of PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY in this incisive message from T.B. Joshua at […]
How To Find GOOD FRIENDS!!! | TB Joshua SERMON

“Having a friend who is weak where you are weak is NOT a productive or godly relationship…” Learn how to find GOOD friends by being a GOOD reporter in this practical sermon with Prophet T.B. Joshua at The SCOAN titled, ‘Be A Good Reporter’.
PROPHECY FOR SOUTH AFRICA!!! ????????| Prophet TB Joshua

What is God saying to the nation of South Africa? Hear the word of prophecy as spoken forth by Prophet T.B. Joshua on Sunday 17th February 2019… “Some areas of South Africa will face drought – the time of rain, it will not rain. Even if it should rain, it will look as if it […]

How do you discover your destiny? How do you find and focus on what God wants you to be? What is your divine calling? In this sermon titled, ‘What God Wants Us To Be’, T.B. Joshua answers these questions in both a profound and practical way, which we are sure will inspire your faith and […]
HOW TO KNOW GOD BETTER!!! | TB Joshua Sermon

If you’re hungry for a deeper relationship with God, wondering what may be blocking His blessings from freely flowing or curious about your calling in life, WATCH THIS SERMON! In the third part of the message titled, ‘Believe And Confess’, Prophet T.B. Joshua speaks at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria on the vital importance of […]
BE A GOOD REPORTER!!! | TB Joshua Sermon

“Hard work alone cannot help any establishment grow. Every establishment expects two things from you – working and reporting.” – T.B. Joshua In this practical, enlightening message titled, ‘Believe And Confess’, T.B. Joshua speaks on the importance of reporting any unruly behaviour in the establishment in which you are working. Be blessed as you receive […]
My MESSAGE To NIGERIA!!! | Prophet T.B. Joshua

What is God saying to NIGERIA and NIGERIANS? This is a must-watch message from Prophet T.B. Joshua to the nation – which is equally relevant to all nations! Hear the mind of God in this important message – given in a practical sermon titled ‘Believe And Confess’ at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) […]

In his first sermon of 2019 after a month-long absence from the pulpit, T.B. Joshua speaks starkly about the warning he received from God in a serious revelation… That revelation – contained at the tail-end of a striking sermon titled, ‘A True Christian Is Tested’ – is filled with practical, poignant lessons of life, especially […]
MY MESSAGE FOR 2019!!! | Prophet T.B. Joshua

What is God saying to us for the New Year 2019? In an uncompromising, undiluted message, T.B. Joshua reveals the heart of God for the incoming year. We encourage you to watch prayerfully and carefully as this sermon, ‘The Word Of God In Our Heart’, is guaranteed to convict any lukewarm attitude in your relationship […]
This SHOCKING Sermon On GIVING Will Hit Your Heart!!!

“Never come around people just because of what you can get – but come around people because of what you can give…” – T.B. Joshua If there was ever a time where such a message is needed – a period where chaos and division are so common – it is NOW! Learn how the world […]
How To Effectively Overcome SIN!!! | TB Joshua SERMON

“Sin is never covered by our appearance, our presence, our prayers or our tears. Sin can only be covered by repentance…” – T.B. Joshua Discover the kind of repentance that attracts the sanctifying presence of God in this short but powerful message by Prophet T.B. Joshua. Enjoy!