What Happens When DEMONS Get ANGRY!!!
Demons get seriously PROVOKED and even try to attack T.B. Joshua during the Mass Prayer at The Singapore Crusade in 2006. People throughout the auditorium manifest as God’s power descends and exposes all the works of darkness. Here is a powerful testimony of a couple who attended the crusade and received their deliverance, in the […]
The King Of INTERNET SCAMMING Confesses!!
Make sure you WATCH the FULL CONFESSION of this young man… Samuel Johnson was a ‘professional’ internet fraudster (known in Nigeria as 419), demonically inspired to deceive, defraud and destroy through the latest, most advanced online tactics and methods. His not only was the local ‘king’ of internet scamming, he taught hundreds of youngsters his […]
Crossed legs… that’s all it took. As Christy would masturbate, it would physically feel as if someone was sexually satisfying her – culminating in a hatred for men and a lust for destruction. A demonic spirit from hell had possessed her body – a spirit bent on the destruction of young people through the internet […]
A young lady from Albania receives deliverance from the demonic ‘monster’ from the sea that had destroyed her life and wreaked untold havoc. A touch from God through T.B. Joshua exposes the darkness lurking within as God’s power triumphs over satan’s schemes! Be blessed by her deliverance and testimony:
The night was young, the water refreshing. As Tedus jumped into the pool with his new found friends in the hotel, he had no premonition that such a quick dip would have such calamitous consequences. The night soon drifted into a nightmare – a garish dream filled with naked men wallowing in the very same […]
Just a touch. Darkness is EXPOSED and frantically tries to fight. Watch what happens when Prophet T.B. Joshua prays for this lady in The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) Prayer Line. Indeed, the name of Jesus Christ is power and fire that causes satan and his agents to tremble and flee!
Can You FAKE This???
This may be the most important five minutes you are about to spend watching a YouTube clip. Why? Because it proves God’s power is REAL!!! It is real and can TOUCH, HEAL and DELIVER you anywhere you are watching all over the world! As Prophet T.B. Joshua moves in the midst of the congregation at […]
Mrs Varughese, an Indian living in New Zealand, receives a powerful deliverance from a witchcraft demon that tormented her life and husband’s ministry, pushing her to have suicidal tendencies and thoughts about divorcing her husband. After her deliverance through Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prayers, she returns with her husband and daughter to share a powerful testimony […]
DEMON-POSSESSED Man With 186 Evil Spirits DELIVERED!!!
A man from Mozambique possessed by 186 demons came to The SCOAN with the intention of fighting Prophet T.B. Joshua. He ended up receiving complete deliverance from all the animal spirits that had possessed his body!
CHILLING: Satanist Secrets!
Mr Jonas Mwanza, a former satanist from Zambia, blows the lids on the devils dirty secrets in this revealing confession following his deliverance at The SCOAN after prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua. We advise you to watch carefully and prayerfully…
In this shocking confession, a young Ghanaian who has just received deliverance from the evil spirit that propelled him into a life of criminality and rituals, reveals the secrets behind ‘instant money’. As Prophet T.B. Joshua says, “When satan gives you something that gives you apparent peace with the right hand, he takes from you […]
This young lady had begun to PHYSICALLY turn into a snake, shedding her skin and having snakish tendencies. Possessed by a violent snake demon, the python spirit was exposed during this church service in Lagos, Nigeria. It confessed how it uses her to torment and destroy men! Thank God for her powerful deliverance through prayer […]
Aren, an Amenian who was once a member of a notorious mafia group engaged in robbery and drug pushing, came to The SCOAN to seek God’s help. On the prayer line, the Spirit of God exposed his dark past through a word of prophecy from Prophet T.B. Joshua and he subsequently received a powerful deliverance, […]
DEMON-POSSESSED Lady Slaps Herself During Deliverance!
A demon hiding within this lady is violently exposed and tries to run away during a powerful time of mass prayer at The SCOAN with Prophet T.B. Joshua, She finally receives her deliverance in the power of the Holy Spirit and returns the following week with her husband to share her experiences. STAY CONNECTED TO […]
How DEMONS Use LUST To Destroy People!!!
Satan today is especially using the spirit of lust to infiltrate many homes and bring destruction and divorce to many marriages. Mr Okpalaeze Chidi was married to a spiritual woman who visited him almost every night to sleep with him. The demonic being within him robbed him of peace and destroyed his marriage and career. […]
How I Married My Spiritual Wife!!!
When Harrison Ugboh found some ‘cowries’ lying on the river bed as a young boy, little did he know that the door to demonic infiltration had been opened as a hellish spirit from the water took residence within him and became his ‘spiritual wife’. At The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), prayer in the […]
“I HATE GOD…” – DEMON Of LUST Confesses!!!
A demon within this South African lady reveals its hatred for God during a time of deliverance at The SCOAN. It further exposes how it had tried to destroy her marriage and relationship with her young daughter. Several months after her deliverance, she returns to The SCOAN to share her wonderful testimony alongside her husband. […]
Demon Attempts To Run Away During Deliverance In Colombia!!!
A demon that had tormented this Nigerian man resident in Venezuela is exposed as the light of God flows through Prophet T.B. Joshua at the prayer line during the first day of the Colombia Crusade. However, evil is forced to bow and submit and he finally receives his deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ! […]
“SHUT UP!!!” – DEMON Behind Eating Disorder EXPOSED in Colombia!
As Prophet T.B. Joshua approaches this young lady in the prayer line of the Colombia Crusade, the demon within her is exposed even before he prays for her and starts wildly manifesting. She finally receives deliverance in Jesus’ name from the evil spirit that tormented her through a terrible eating disorder and caused her extreme […]
“He Chases Women With Big…” – LUST Is From HELL!!!
A demon lurking within a woman is exposed at The SCOAN prayer line and reveals how it pushed her husband to flirt around with different women at clubs in order to try and break their young marriage. After her deliverance, the changes in their life and marriage are incredible, topped off by a beautiful baby […]