Woman Tries To TRICK T.B. Joshua…

As Prophet T.B. Joshua was praying for people individually during a service at The SCOAN, a young lady from South Africa desperately cries out. She explains that she was stranded in Nigeria and left penniless by her absent boyfriend. Trying to woo sympathy with a sob-story, T.B. Joshua prophetically sees into the real circumstances behind […]

Humanitarian Aid For The Physically Challenged

T.B. Joshua and the Emmanuel TV Team once again welcome those that are physically challenged to The SCOAN to spend time with them, give them gifts and appreciate them. Watch this touching documentary and be inspired to give out the little you have and see whether it will not multiply. Giving reshapes our destiny.

TOUCHING: Why TB Joshua Returned This Man’s TITHES!

His wife had died… His shop was burnt… His children sent out of school. Suffering. Homeless. Hopeless. However, the life of Ezekiel Ayodeji, a physically challenged Nigerian man, radically changed upon his coming to The SCOAN! Be blessed by this touching case of charity and practical lesson on tithing that accompanies it, in Jesus’ name! […]