This is the real-life account of a young lady who found life-changing freedom from an awful array of destiny-destroying addictions!
Hannah Mgemezulu was young but the devil within her knew no age. At just 13, she felt an ‘abnormal force’ radiating in her arm. Complaining to her father – a Pastor in Malawi – he assured her that after prayers, she would be ‘delivered’. However, no prayer seemed able to remove it. A hardened heart soon birthed rebellion.
Introduced to alcohol by classmates, Hannah became a drunkard at the age of 15. According to her, she had “never been sober since then”. The young Malawian would drink to such giddy extents that she would have to be carried home by friends. “I drink more than all the men I know,” she recounted. But the alcohol was not enough. Hannah was then introduced to marijuana, which she quickly became addicted to.
Expelled from two different schools and gaining a reputation for waywardness, Hannah’s mum stopped giving her ‘pocket-money’. Angered, the young lady turned to prostitution, sleeping with men “only” to get enough money to fuel her excessive addictions. Even when she developed epileptic fits in consequence of her drug-infused lifestyle, Hannah refused to quit.
Raped by two female students who lured her with alcohol to sleep in their room, the young lady then began having a “strange urge” to sleep with fellow females. Shy to approach ladies, she turned to masturbation and pornography in an attempt to seek satisfaction. However, each attempt to try and satisfy her lust only seemed to enrage it. After being raped by two men in her university, a stony hatred for men readily set in – pushing her further down the path of self-gratification. When her father died, the only solace Hannah found was in the confines of clubs and bars. Fantasy deceived Hannah to think she was ‘high’ but reality was that she was at her ‘lowest’ ebb.
It was at this juncture that Emmanuel TV and T.B. Joshua came into the tale…