John 16:33 says: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

In this world of tribulation, it is very easy to get off track and take your focus off Jesus Christ. Many Christians focus on their situation instead of the one that can deliver them from it. It is true that your situation is there, yes, your situation is real but there is something more real than your situation - the potency of God’s Word. Identifying your source and trusting in it does not deny the situation but makes you focus on the one that can save you. This is because faith is not denial, it is trusting in someone who is more reliable, faithful, and dependable, His name is Jesus Christ – the Son of the Living God.

What are you facing right now? What challenge are you facing that is drawing your attention away from your Creator? Is it hardship or difficulty? The Bible says that in the face of tribulation, we must keep our focus by identifying our source. As children of God, we must acknowledge the battle the Bible talks about in Galatians 5:16-22 - the battle of the mind. This is the battle of choosing between right and wrong, your choice in this battle is your personal decision. You can complain, you can blame others but you are responsible for what you choose or give your attention to. What are the things that can make you lose focus? It is those foolish things that cause tension and pressure. Remember that no matter what was going on in Jesus’ life, He kept His focus. In the face of temptations and trials, He didn’t lose His focus, instead, He kept His eyes on His Father. Like Jesus, when you know where you are going, whatever happens to you midway cannot change your focus.

The situation with you now on the outside may be poor, painful, frightening, and discouraging but remember your dream – that dream should be your focus, not your present situation.

PRAYER: Oh Holy Spirit, help me to continue to identify You as my source and help me to keep my dream alive, in Jesus’ name.