What is God saying about the 'coronavirus crisis' currently engulfing the world - which is causing national lockdowns, sparking economic backlash and spurring fear, panic and pandemonium?

In this exclusive message - broadcast live from the new Emmanuel TV Studios - Prophet TB Joshua addresses the 'monster' of fear, offers Scriptural reassurance to troubled hearts and engages viewers around the world in a powerful time of prayer (at 20:48). The program begins with an interactive discussion with Racine, Chris and Angela - after which Prophet TB Joshua explains the reason why he supported the government in their ban of large gatherings. Be blessed as you join us, in Jesus' name!

“When we begin to fear, we are giving place to the devil. What we are afraid of may eventually happen to us. Fear failure and likely you will fail. Viewers, fear affliction - such as coronavirus - and you will likely be afflicted.” – TB Joshua

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