What is faith? Faith is:
1️⃣The unshakeable confidence in the reality of the yet unseen world.
2️⃣The certainty of God’s yet unfulfilled promises.
3️⃣The evidence of things hoped for.
4️⃣A firm expectation that God will perform all He has promised to us in Christ Jesus.
Remember, this world was not built out of what is seen, but out of what is unseen (Hebrews 11:3). If God had relied on what is seen, He would have had nothing to build on but what God relied on was faith in Himself - which was unseen. In other words, what is seen today came into being from what is unseen. Faith therefore is a product of the unseen world, which the Bible defines as the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). If we must have a relationship with the unseen world, we must have faith in God because God is unseen. With faith, God created the universe; it was His faith that found expression in the spoken Word which He used in creating everything.
What is unseen is therefore the basis of faith. If you must have faith, you must learn to hear God’s Word (Romans 10:17). Through hearing, belief comes; through believing trust comes; through trusting, confidence is established. However, this process is not automatic but gradual. Those who refuse to take these tiny steps cannot trust God and understand the basic truth about faith. This means, faith is not a feeling. Sometimes people base their spiritual experiences on emotions and feelings. Problems arise when feelings change. When we base our spiritual experiences on feeling, we cannot be constant - that is, we would lack the quality of being stable.
If we don’t take the basic steps, we cannot trust God, in Whom we believe. This is faith that would last. When we stand on this kind of faith, we would be standing on a solid rock. I mean, the unchanging Word of God.