What is God saying to the nation of South Africa? Hear the word of prophecy as spoken forth by Prophet T.B. Joshua on Sunday 17th February 2019…

“Some areas of South Africa will face drought – the time of rain, it will not rain. Even if it should rain, it will look as if it has not rained. But they should not worry. I am seeing from March to April – we are praying for rain, to recover the city back. There are some parts of cities – like North-East, Limpopo and others… The rain will fall!

“There are two challenges they have now that will affect the country so badly – power and drought. What is the cause of this? It’s unusual – a country the other Africans in the past saw as Heaven on earth. When there is no power, what else again? It affects the companies and the foreigners will start leaving because they cannot stay without power. I saw this and I’m praying over it. The issue of rain – this March to April, you will recover your water back.”
– Prophet T.B. Joshua (Sunday 17-02-19)

Since the beginning of March, we have received numerous reports of rain falling in the Northern regions of South Africa -https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2019-03-05-storms-rumble-over-large-parts-of-northern-sa/

Thank You, Jesus Christ!