If you plant in love, you will reap love because there is no giving in truth without receiving. What do you have? We are expected to give to God everything He has given us – I mean, all our substance – our time, strength, loyalty, money and every good thing the Lord has given us – and we shall receive, in return, an abundant blessing. Let us not love in words alone but also in deed and truth. When we love in deed, we are planting seeds that would return unto us a harvest of whatever love we expressed. God expects our best because He gives us His best (John 3:16). God has a Son. He planted Him in the earth to produce a family. Today, millions are born again through this Seed.
When we give, it makes us like unto God, who gives to all and receives from none. We should know that whatever blessing God has given us is meant to be replanted for a bigger harvest. We always reap the same kind of seed we plant, just as we always reap more than we plant:
• Love for God’s sake and be loved.
• Help for God’s sake and be helped.
• Be kind for God’s sake and receive kindness.
• Show mercy for God’s sake and receive mercy.
• Give and receive more of whatever you give.
• Sow and reap more of whatever you plant.