La RÉVÉLATION que Dieu m’a donnée sur TB JOSHUA !!! | Évangéliste CS Upthegrove

En avril 2012, l’Évangéliste CS Upthegrove de Floride, aux États-Unis, visita La SCOAN à Lagos, au Nigéria, avec une remarquable révélation de Dieu pour le Prophète TB Joshua. Soyez inspiré tandis que vous revivrez ce moment surnaturel ainsi que le message d’édification de la foi qui l’accompagnait. “Ceux qui s’humilient sous Dieu ont pris le […]
INSTANT HEALING: He Started RUNNING After Prayer!!!

Mr Smiles was booked for a medical operation – until the day he had a Heavenly operation at The SCOAN prayer line… After being diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis, Kofi from Ghana had to use a pair of crutches and could barely manage his daily activities. After resolving to undergo surgery, his wife discovered Emmanuel TV […]
SATAN IS UNDER YOUR FOOT!!! | Mass Prayer With TB Joshua

“You know satan is a killer, thief, destroyer – he is under your foot! Viewers at home, march on the cause of sickness, disease, affliction, setback, disappointment and limitation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!” – TB Joshua Kick the devil OUT of your life, family, marriage, business, finances and dreams as you join […]
RELIANCE ON GOD!!! | TB Joshua Sermon

“One of satan’s tactics is to get you to doubt God’s goodness. He tries to get you to forget all God has given you and to focus on what you do not have. If you are spending much of your time thinking about what you do not have, you may be slipping into unhealthy doubt.” […]
SO GOOD!!! | Original Song (Composed By TB Joshua)

Celebrate the goodness of God in this upbeat praise song titled, ‘So Good (God You Have Been)’ – composed by TB Joshua and sung by the Emmanuel TV Choir. LYRICS:🎶 God You have beenYou have been so goodYou’ve been so good I am filled with joy and victoryGod has taken over my problemsDefeat and failure […]
WE ARE ONE!!! | TB Joshua Sermon

“God PLACES us where it PLEASES Him.” – TB Joshua Be inspired in your faith as you watch this important message from Prophet TB Joshua at The SCOAN titled, ‘We Are One’, dealing with the value of unity in the body of Christ and the dangers of pride and desperation. “Are you where God wants […]
¡ORAR NO ES DECIR PALABRAS! – Sermón de T.B. Joshua

¿Qué es la oración? ¿Cómo se ora? ¿Es tu oración una realidad o sólo estás hablando al espacio? Aprende el secreto de la ORACIÓN EFICAZ en este práctico sermón de T.B. Joshua en los estudios de Emmanuel TV titulado, «Orar no es decir palabras». La introducción del mensaje es una breve escenificación teatral de la […]
Miracle Baby SHOCKED At Miracle Healing!!!

Watch how a man is supernaturally rescued from the “valley of the shadow of death” after choosing faith over fear in his life-threatening battle with colon cancer… Mr Ogen, a Slovakian living in UK, is a living testimony! When he was diagnosed with cancer and informed an operation in which his male organ would be […]

Nathalie viajó desde Francia hasta Nigeria con un codo fracturado y un tobillo lesionado. ¡Un toque de Jesucristo era todo lo que necesitaba! Con una brillante sonrisa ella comparte el testimonio de cómo Dios la sanó después de que el Profeta T.B. Joshua orara por ella, durante el Avivamiento en La SCOAN. Al regresar a […]
ABBA FATHER!!! | Original Song (Composed by T.B. Joshua)

A simple, soul-moving worship song declaring our adoration to God Almighty, ‘Abba Father’ is an inspiring worship song composed by T.B. Joshua and sung – in three different languages – by the Emmanuel TV choir. “Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, […]

Qu’est-ce que la prière ? Comment priez-vous ? Votre prière est-elle une réalité ou parlez-vous simplement dans le vide ? Apprenez le secret de la PRIÈRE EFFICACE dans ce sermon concret aux Studios Emmanuel TV avec TB Joshua, intitulé : “La Prière, ce N’est Pas Dire Des Mots”. En introduction du message, l’Équipe d’Emmanuel TV […]

Witness a pinpoint word of prophecy from Prophet TB Joshua bring an instant testimony to a young man in bondage to a family curse of sickness. Mr Ugwu lived in pain for more than eight years. Using the toilet was a ‘daily nightmare’ due to the piles plaguing his system – a hereditary condition for […]

«Todos han sido tentados. Yo he sido tentado, tú has sido tentado y seguiremos siendo desafiados con asuntos que violan nuestra conciencia o nos empujan a pecar contra Dios». – T.B. Joshua ¿Cómo manejas la tentación? Todos nos enfrentamos ante la tentación de hacer lo incorrecto, ¡pero hay una salida! Aprende valiosos principios que fortalecerán […]
FLUSH IT OUT!!! | TB Joshua Mass Prayer

“Every sickness and disease in your organs, wherever in your muscles, kidneys, blood, tendons and bones – begin to flush it out by the Blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost!” – TB Joshua Are you sick, afflicted or in pain? Join Prophet TB Joshua in this anointed Mass Prayer at The […]
COME AND DWELL!!! | Original Song (Composed By TB Joshua)

According to 2 Corinthians 6:16, God promised to dwell in us and to walk among us. Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God to come and dwell in your heart as you sing this simple worship song with the Emmanuel TV Choir titled ‘Come And Dwell’ and receive His joy, love, peace and salvation. […]
DEMON Sees FIRE Surrounding CHURCH!!! 🔥⛪🔥

Watch the extraordinary moment a demon-possessed lady tries to quench spiritual fire with physical water during a power-packed church service… Mrs Comfort was just one of the thousands in attendance at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Sunday Service. She came seeking God’s intervention for worsening marital issues and serious spiritual attacks. But when Prophet […]

Mrs Shor was about to board a plane to take her to Lagos, Nigeria to visit The SCOAN – but she was too drunk to even get on board… “I chased my husband with a knife,” Mrs Shor confessed, as she gave testimony at the Nazareth Meeting with T.B. Joshua, joined by her Israeli husband […]
¡ESCUCHA LA VOZ DE DIOS! – Ungida Oración Masiva de T.B. Joshua

«Como hijo de Dios, debes tener acceso, entender y escuchar la voz de Dios. ¡Abre tu corazón, en el nombre de Jesucristo!». – T.B. Joshua ¿Estás luchando por ser sensible a la voz de Dios en tu corazón? Únete al Profeta T.B. Joshua en este tiempo ungido de Oración Masiva y ¡abre tu corazón para […]

Ameze thought she had escaped from a ‘forced marriage’ but ended up in a brothel in a foreign country sleeping with up to twenty men in a single day… The case of this Nigerian lady living in Cotonou, Benin Republic is as saddening as it is shocking. For seventeen years, she was living in bondage […]

“I may be hungry but I’m NOT desperate; I may be hungry but I’m NOT anxious.” – TB Joshua Are you going through a difficult situation in life or do you seem to be running out of rope? Don’t lose faith! Listen to this faith-building message from Prophet T.B. Joshua at The SCOAN in 2007 […]