Faith relates solely and exclusively to two realities: God and His Word. When you are talking about the Word, you are talking about the foundation of the throne of God. The Word “believe” is made simple when we know that it is acting upon the spoken Word of God. This means that faith is not abstract; faith relates to a heart that believes God through ordinary circumstances. Therefore, faith should be demonstrated or practised in difficult and perilous circumstances.
The first step of our work of faith is to stop our own work and rest in God’s love, wisdom and power. Once you believe and pray in His name, Jesus takes over! As we begin to do the Word, He begins to do in us and through us. By looking into the Word and acting on it, we bring Jesus on the scene. Acting on the Word then makes Jesus Christ real to the believer. Ask the Seven sons of Sceva and they will tell you that ordinary words cannot move God, cannot bring Jesus on the scene. God does not need our words to move Him into action; He has His own way of implementing His will in the universe. The power of God is to be exercised not according to our own will but according to God’s will.
Therefore, learn to take God’s Word to heart and truly make it part of you. That way, it will by its very nature, change you. And when the Word changes you, you will find yourself moved by the very life of God and the life of God will make things happen. Say this prayer: “Oh Holy Spirit, take more of me and give me more of You – more of Your love, strength, peace, faithfulness and righteousness! Give me the grace to act and dwell in Your Word and truly make it a part of me!” Amen!