Doubt is one thing that we all battle and struggle with; even the greatest believers sometimes need help to boost their faith amidst life’s issues, challenges. Take the case of Abraham in Genesis 15:6. Although he believed, he nevertheless wanted a sign to strengthen his faith. Indeed, many great heroes of faith in the Bible had their moments of doubt but that did not detract from their faith; it just meant that their faith was being challenged in new ways.

If you are genuinely seeking salvation from God in the midst of doubt, God will not mind. This is because, in the end, your doubt will move you closer to Him. Some situations in life will challenge your faith and make you doubt your Guard. I mean sickness, disease, hardship, disappointment and the like. However, do not let them draw you away from God but take you closer to Him.

Today, we acknowledge only the immediate goodness of God when we receive a miracle and afterwards forget that miracle. Remember the sickness you had in the past? It was that same sickness that claimed the lives of others, even as many others are still on the sickbed. What is the lesson for us? Never doubt God’s desire and ability to help you! Why? Because He has promised to never leave or forsake you.

When you are struggling with doubt, take time to remember God’s work in your life. As you recall His track record, you will grow confident that a solution is forthcoming, that you will overcome your present situation. Be patient and let God answer your questions at His own time, not yours. God’s time is always the best. He knows you better than you know yourself and He knows what is best for you. Have faith in Him always and, as sure as the rising sun, you will not be disappointed.

Say this prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, give me the grace to hold on to You in good and hard times alike! Help me to continue to trust in You and Your sufficiency, in Your Holy name, I pray!”