Brace yourself for the revealing confessions of a ‘chronic lesbian’ whose sojourn into prostitution and rampant homosexual tendencies were inspired by a demonic ‘goddess’ that had possessed her body from a tender age…

Let us remind you of T.B. Joshua’s statements concerning same-sex marriage:

“ ‘Judge not, so that you will not be judged’ (Matthew 7:1). We should talk to people to be saved. I mean, we should talk salvation, not condemnation.

“God hates sin, not sinners. When I say, ‘Do not judge so that you will not be judged’, I mean we should hate sin, not the sinner because sinners can change. If you have killed a sinner by judging him, there will be no opportunity for change. Sinners can be delivered. We should hate the act, not the people because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the ‘spirit beings’ that cause all these acts.”

“The Bible is my standard. If my parents were one, I would not have been given birth to. Those that are asking this question – if your parents were one, you would not have been given birth to. You that are reading me – if your pa…