There are times in our lives when everything seems meaningless, I mean, when the results we get from all our hard work and hard labour are not corresponding with the efforts we have put into them — a situation whereby we have done all the right things, yet there is no answer. In situations like this, it is easy to get discouraged and give up. But as children of God and members of the household of faith, we must continue to press on because God cannot use a discouraged servant.
When we look at the story of Joseph in Genesis 37:1-36, the Bible says that Joseph was to be a source of freedom to his people but he had to go through imprisonment. He was meant to be a source of provision to his people but he had to go through lack, want and hunger. People of God, if Joseph had been discouraged, he wouldn’t have had the courage to continue to press on in the face of overwhelming negative evidence.
Prophet T.B. Joshua says, “When God gives you a vision and it is opposed by men, do not reduce your vision; stay in faith in Christ Jesus.” What situation are you going through now? Is it poverty, hardship, setback, sickness or disappointment? If it is allowed by God as a trial, we must not think it strange and doubt our Guard. He who desires to be a source of freedom must know what it is to be imprisoned, so don’t be discouraged. He who desires to be a source of provision must know what it takes to face lack and want. Remember, our situation is an opportunity to honour God before men. The world is waiting to see how you handle your situation.
SAY THIS PRAYER: “O Holy Spirit, help me to continue to press on even in the face of life’s uncertainty and discouragement.”