The spies that were sent to the promised land of Canaan came back to tell of the great giants that were there and fear filled all who heard them (Numbers 13:31-33). What is your giant today that seems to stand in the way of God’s promises for your life? Is it sickness, joblessness, hatred, rejection, depression? When God commissioned Joshua to possess the promised land, He said, “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:5-9). God knew that the biggest enemy Joshua would face would not be the giant in the land but the little voice inside saying, "Whom do you think you are?" "You are not able!" In the same vein, our biggest enemy is not the challenges we are facing but the little voice inside driving us, saying, "You can do this, you can do that and get away with it. You can kill, destroy and steal and get away with it - you are different." But we are not. We all have feet of clay to some extent. Why are you thinking you are ‘out of touch’ when the Bible says that in this world there will be trouble? You can never live and be ‘out of touch’ until the end of your days. Whatever giant you are facing, don’t listen to the voice of your situation - the voice of doubt, the voice of temptation telling you to react badly. Whatever may be your ‘feet of clay’, let it draw you closer to God.