Faith is our movement towards God. Faith enables us to see the unseen and thus endure when the visible world offers us no hope or encouragement. It was faith that enabled blind Bartimaeus to cry out to Jesus against the opposition of the crowd and receive his sight. It was faith that enabled four men to reach Jesus through the crowd, by lowering the paralytic man through the roof. Then he picked up his mat and walked. It was faith that enabled the woman with the issue of blood to press through the crowd, touch the hem of Jesus' garment and receive instant healing. As seen in the above examples, we demonstrate what we believe by what we do. Faith acts now, believes now and receives now!

In God’s Word there is hope, forgiveness, direction, instruction, revelation and everything we need to live for God here and now. Because of Christ, all these have been made available to you and I. So, instead of simply being an onlooker, be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints by actively reaching out and taking God at His Word. Reach out and take the healing that is available to you, reach out and take the deliverance that is available for you, reach out and take the blessing that is available for you - by reaching out and acting faith now!