John 21:15 – “So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?’ He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.’ He said to him, ‘Feed My lambs.’ ”

Take note that Jesus did not ask Peter if he was a gifted speaker. Jesus did not ask Peter is he was a talented leader. Jesus did not find enquire about Peter’s seminary training or Bible knowledge. These things are important but they are not the issue. The issue is quite simple. The essential quality you need is found in Jesus’ question, “Do you love Me?”

Three times Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” Note that Jesus asked Peter this question before giving Peter the commission to shepherd His sheep. Jesus wanted Peter and us to know that the main force for lasting, enduring success, achievement, prosperity is loving Him above all else. The love for Christ is central or the main thing; all else is peripheral.

Too often, we think that the primary requirement for serving God is the gift of spoken language, oratory, great talent, high qualifications or impressive academic credentials. Peter and the other disciples were ordinary fishermen from a lowly part of the country. They were nobodies till Jesus called them.

This means there is hope for you whether you are educated or not, whether you are a farmer or a professor. Stop talking about your limited education and start loving Jesus! Stop complaining that everyone in the family is poor. Stop repeating stories of those who failed you. Stop pointing your finger at the economy. Stop meditating on your flaws or weaknesses. If you hope to accomplish anything good in the future, it will only be because of your love for Jesus. The main requirement for making a difference for Jesus is being in love with Him.

– Prophet T.B. Joshua