Romans 5:3-5 says: “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

As Christians, we are encouraged not to base our Christian journey on our challenges; I mean the fact that you are facing challenges does not mean you are not a friend of God. Every man that walks by faith will have testing. Those afflictions, trials, tribulations, and campaigns of calumny are for your spiritual benefit; they are meant to help you learn to pray more, trust God the more, depend on God the more, and have faith in God the more.

The Heroes and Heroines of faith never questioned why giants, obstacles, or stumbling blocks challenged their future – they simply ran to represent God on the battlefield. That you find yourself in a hard place does not mean you are not a candidate of Heaven. Stephen never questioned why stones were being hurled at him; he stood and resembled God in all He stood for. That you face an enemy as close as your mouth does not mean you are not a favourite of Heaven. Job never fainted when a wind pulled down his home; he continued to think, talk, act, plan, work, and rule with God.

Hear Jesus saying to you, in the Book of John 16:33, you who live in the world, I have given you the strength to overcome whatever comes. When discouragement comes, don’t stop; dig deep and fight it through. To His power, nothing is impossible.

PRAYER: Oh Holy Spirit, give me the grace to be strong, active, and alert in this realm of prayer service, in Jesus’ name!