One. Two. Three. Four. Five. As the burly men mounted in numbers, so did Kennedy’s uncanny confidence. They had no idea what awaited them! Flexing his muscles and clutching the charm in his pocket, the fury unleashed that day was as bloody as it was brutal. The drug-induced boxer showed no mercy. Leaving the scene without a scratch, five bodies lay strewn on the ground.
Mr Akugue Kennedy, the self-professed ‘King’ of all touts, thugs and ‘area-boys’ in FCT Abuja, shared a shocking confession at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). His promising career as a boxer was rapidly snapped short after being introduced to hard drugs over 15 years ago. The addiction to cocaine, which he said had cost him over N400m, fueled his anger to alarming degrees. Kennedy would not leave a fight without witnessing the spillage of blood and soon gained a reputation as a ‘hard guy’ who took no nonsense.