A recovery so dramatic even the doctors were compelled to call it “miraculous”…

It is every mother’s worst nightmare! In a heartbreaking incident that attracted media headlines across the United Kingdom, 2 year-old Aaliyah Boamah climbed onto the window frame and fell 60 feet from a 5-storey building in London! The injuries were so serious that doctors feared the little girl would never walk again. However, Aaliyah’s grandmother stubbornly held onto faith and ministered the Morning Water upon Aaliyah’s paralysed, twisted body. The results that followed defy human comprehension!

– https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/girl-two-survives-fall-from-fifth-floor-london-flat-a3352296.html
– https://www.facebook.com/ITVLondon/videos/10153914031052944