Our failure to give Christ His proper place in our heart is actually responsible for the crises of our faith. The management of our heart and its thoughts is important, necessary and fundamental to our faith and holy living (Proverbs 4:23, Corinthians 3:1-2). If we give Christ His proper place in our heart, our confession would be guided by faith. We give Christ His proper place when our heart is disciplined to concentrate upon things in the Spirit. Christ has risen; therefore, let your heart also rise and seek the things that are above so that you may be comforted in your current circumstance.

What are you going through? Is it poverty? Let your heart rise and seek the things that are above. Is it sickness? Let your heart rise and seek the things that are above. Is it disappointment? Let your heart rise and seek the things that are above so that you may be comforted. When our confession comes from faith, our words become prophetic! David’s confession concerning the outcome of the battle turned out to be prophetic (1 Samuel 17:46). All what David said came to pass. The course of the battle went in the footprints of his confession. His confession gave him possession.